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Cinema Houston recipient of the 2009
Society of Architectural Historians Downing Award

Cinema Houston is the recipient of the 2009 Antoinette Forrester Downing Award, presented by the Society of Architectural Historians. The award was presented during its 62nd annual meeting in Pasadena California in the first week of April, 2009. The award was established for excellence in a published work devoted to historical topics in preservation. Named for Antoinette Forrester Downing, the award honors her scholarship and recognition of the value of local inventories and surveys.

The Society of Architectural Historians website is www.sah.org.

Cinema Houston wins the 2008
Friends of the Texas Room Julia Ideson Award

On October 27, 2008, the Friends of the Texas Room awarded David Welling with the Julia Ideson Award for the book, Cinema Houston. The Julia Ideson Award recognizes projects that contribute to local and Texas history and culture which were completed using the resources of the Houston Public Library’s Texas Room/Houston Metropolitan Research Center. Of special significance is the fact that this is the inauguration year for the award, making Cinema Houston the first winner of what is to be an esteemed roster of recipients.

The award is named in honor of Houston’s first City Librarian Julia Ideson, and will be presented each October by the Friends of the Texas Room.


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